Biblical Marriage and Sexual Intimacy

Marriage and Family Meditations XXII

Psalms 104:34 May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD.

250px-calvarychapeldoveCornerstone Ministries Napa Valley

Biblical Marriage and Sexual Intimacy

Hi Family and Friends,             

On Friday afternoons at 12:00 p.m., we have a small group Bible study in the letter to the Hebrews; reading through the passages I came upon this verse in Hebrews, Chapter 13: 4, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”

Considering the climate of our country politically and morally, and how the state of marriage is being attacked, it seemed appropriate to consider what God’s word says in passages like this, so that, as His people, we can be encouraged to stand firmly on His truth, with confidence and dedication. What God esteems we should also esteem and cherish. The sexual union in marriage is a precious gift and should be honored, while sexual activities outside of the marriage relationship should be repented of and avoided.

Genesis 2:20 – 25 The Bible teaches us that in the beginning God created man (Adam), and out of his rib God created a woman (Eve) for him and joined them together in a “one flesh” relationship. This certainly implies a sexual union as well as oneness or unity of soul and spirit. An intimate loving marriage relationship according to God’s design is the solid foundation for establishing a secure home and raising godly, loving children. The strength of marriage comes from our faith in and faithfulness to God, which leads us to fidelity to our marriage partners.

Ephesians 5:22 – 33 Defines the relationship of marriage between a wife and a husband and gives each their responsibilities and obligations, in the covenant of marriage. It further establishes the marriage of a man and a woman as a symbol and type of the relationship of Jesus to His bride (the Church). The loving submission of Jesus to His bride, and the loving submission of the (faithful) church to Jesus, is to be the standard of fidelity and honor demonstrated in marriage.

(Weist Word Studies in the Greek New Testament) renders our verse in Hebrews in this expanded translation, “Let your marriage be held in honor in all things, and thus let your marriage bed be undefiled, for whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”

The word “honor” is timios which means “held as of great price, esteemed, especially dear.” This is the same word translated in 1Peter 1:19 “but with the precious blood of Christ.” We cannot truly fathom the full spiritual value and importance of marriage, and family, and living according to the manner of God’s design and purposes, but we can realize that there is great spiritual significance and preciousness in our marriage relationships. Let us carefully protect and value what God has given us.

As Christians, let’s be thankful that we have the “Light” and “Truth” in Jesus, and let us have compassion on those in the world who are still “dead in trespasses and sins”, who have not experienced the “saving grace” of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Let us be faithful to our calling in Him and esteem the preciousness of our relationship with Him, in obedience. Let us honor (show the preciousness of) our marriages, and glorify Him in our relationships. Ephesians, Chapter 2

Sexual sins and perversions of God’s ordained relationships will be judged, and those who are caught up in sexual perversions, (all sexual relationships outside of marriage), are subject to that judgment. They need to hear from us, and see in us the fruits of God’s gracious love and transforming power. Single Christians, (in loving obedience) must stand firm and committed to His ordained plan in relationships. Married Christians, (in loving obedience) must be faithful to the sanctity of their marriage and not defile that union.

May God grant that, by the power of His Spirit in us, we will faithfully obey Him, and serve Him, submitting to His purposes.

Love in Jesus… Vince

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